Beiter Winder Heavy Serving Jig


Developed for years before its release, this serving jig allows for users to clip in the thread, instead of threading it through an eye! Exchangeable gliding-disks, easy and fast exchangeable serving pool, steel knobs for adjustable friction and tension are all included in the Beiter Winder Heavy Serving Jig.


GAS Bowstrings ensures with this purchase that you will receive the highest quality bowstring supplies that the industry has to offer!


Beiter Winder Heavy Serving Jig offers: 

  • Easy clip in system for the thread
  • Smooth guidance
  • Unique sliding of disks, thanks to a new material combination
  • Exchangeable gliding-disks for precision and guidance.
  • Extremely fine adjustable friction and tension, thanks to the steel knobs
  • Easy and fast exchangeable serving spool

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 5.25 × 2 × 4.75 in

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