After a life-altering injury, Tracy Otto decided to shoot archery and face down the largest goal you could set in para-archery: the Paralympics! With only a few years before August of 2024, Tracy...

GAS Bowstrings Blog
After a life-altering injury, Tracy Otto decided to shoot archery and face down the largest goal you could set in para-archery: the Paralympics! With only a few years before August of 2024, Tracy...
GAS Bowstrings is pleased to announce the addition of Braden Gellenthien to our team as the new general manager. In his role, Braden will play a crucial role in assisting our staff to streamline processes, enhance efficiency and contribute to product innovation.
For this week’s Pro Spotlight, we interviewed, Gabby Schloesser! After just switching to GAS Bowstrings Recurve + strings, Gabby took second place at the Lancaster Archery Classic! Gabby is a...
To congratulate him on his success at Vegas and his recent switch to the pro class, we thought it would be a great time to ask Aaron a couple of questions about his work and archery career!
We would like to take the time to recognize the incredible achievements of Braden Gellenthien during his 20 years of shooting internationally and representing the United States at World Archery events!
After the dust has settled on the 3D course, we thought it would be fitting to interview the year’s most successful 3D archer, Paige Pearce.
GAS Bowstrings is pleased to announce that Jacob Slusarz has won the IBO National Triple Crown! The IBO has been a staple in 3D and unknown archery.
After his win at the Fort Benning ASA, we thought we would interview one of archery’s all-time legends- Chance Beaubouef!
As the Lancaster Archery Classic is close at hand followed quickly by Vegas, we thought this would be great time to showcase one of our GAS Bowstrings pro staff who made a HUGE run at the 2022 Classic and podiumed at the 2022 Vegas Shoot!
This week’s Pro Spotlight is on one of the world’s top professional archers in the women’s compound division! Tanja not only is one of the very few women who have shot a perfect 900 at The Vegas Shoot, but also one of the few to score a 600 120x at NFAA Indoor Nationals!
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